Our clients are motivated adults seeking personal growth, a healthy mental state, and workplace/career wellness. We work with clients who are hardworking, professionals, entrepreneurs, college and graduate students, and parents juggling life, work, and family. Many of our clients lead busy and stressful lives that often take a toll on their emotional health, their relationships, and their overall quality of life. Others seek therapy to address mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, difficulties with relationships, stressful life events, and poor self-esteem.

We also enjoy working with clients who are diverse across race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious background, and life circumstances. Some of our clients are new to Greenville and others live across states where we are licensed to practice therapy. Overall, our clients want more out of life — they want to achieve their goals, but they also want balance, joy, and meaningful life.

We work closely with the following clients:

  • Career-driven individuals & professionals

  • Employees in highly stressful jobs

  • Working/career moms seeking self-care and balance

  • Entrepreneurs & business owners

  • Individuals in transition (relocation, career change, separation/divorce)

  • Healthcare professionals, including therapists

  • Mothers experiencing post-partum depression

  • Family and couples

  • College/graduate students and millennials

  • Individuals who want more out of life and work